World Plastic Free Day – May 25

Users of plastics believe that segregation, careful disposal and multiple use justifies their preference for plastics. Added to that funky art and craft ideas propose false reusing /recycling ways. This feel good syndrome makes most of us forget that plastics have a usable life called ‘weathering’ which means that environment makes plastics break down into smaller pieces after sometime. It can be few months to years but the smaller pieces are the ‘Microplastics’ which pollute soil and water sources. First option should be to avoid plastics. Second should be to send it to recycling programme before it weathers down to micro-pieces. There is no third option.

Here using plastic clothes line /rope starts generating mini plastic pieces within few months and finally the entire rope falls apart as fine fibres. #Plasticweathering #Plasticcontaminatessoilandwater #DangersofPlasticUse


A physicist turned green living advocate.

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