Buy Organic

Tree Fruits:-

Though growing well above the ground these fruits are notorious for  having a cocktail of tens of pesticides on them. Apples, pears, Peaches are sprayed with pesticides for fungus and other insects threat.  Most of the apple products too have been found containing pesticides like juices. Option is to peel them but that removes most of  the benefits of apples. Conventionally farmed peaches are number one because so many pesticides are needed to grow them. Plus, their skin absorbs much of it infecting the flesh with carcinogenic chemicals that far outweigh the peach’s natural health benefits.

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Berries Cherries and Grapes:-

Strawberries Blueberries, Raspberries are favourite with man and bugs alike. Due to their thin skin and growing in shrubs not very high  they absorb a lot of pesticides and fungicides sprayed on them as well as o the ground. Growing them in non native regions increase their chances of being defenceless against foreign predators. Grapes too have thin skin and absorb chemicals. Due to this raisins too have pesticides .

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Spinach, Lettuce, celery have been found having lots of pesticides. Growing close to the ground the leaves provide a large surface area for pesticides to accumulate. Hence if you see a bunch of Spinach with few bad leaves go for  it. It shows that bunch of spinach doesn’t have much of pesticides. This goes for other popular greens leafy vegetables of our country too.

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Vegetables growing under the ground collect chemicals from pesticides as well as fertilizers. Potato is one which absorbs pesticides from its leaves as well as ground. There is no other option but to buy organic potatoes. Carrots are so good at absorbing heavy metals from soil, they are sometimes grown as a throw away crop to rid a field of lead or arsenic contamination. Always buy organic. Beets too.

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Other vegetables :-

Bell Peppers, Tomatoes and other perishable vegetables.

Cucumbers – Highly toxic organophosphate pesticides are used on conventionally grown cucumbers

Green Beans – Sprayed multiple times with pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides

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Almonds – Many toxic pesticides and herbicides are used on almond trees. If you eat almonds daily, buy organic.

Peanuts (and peanut butter) – Peanuts grown underground and are known to absorb toxins from the soil.

Milk and Dairy Products:-

To avoid hormones and antibiotics milk products should be always organic.











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