Spread Green Awareness Among Kids – Secure Their Future

When protecting our earth seem to be out of control, there comes a ray of hope when we see our kids and think to make them aware of the seriousness of being safe from the unwanted hazards of the global warming.

Kids are precious, for us and for our earth. It’s not easy to manage a kid, yes that’s true! You tell them to read school books, they won’t – I mean most of them. It’s normal. They need to breathe outside, feel the fresh air, and touch the green life. They are born to be a free spirit. Though it’s difficult to make them aware of the unhealthy things by giving them a book of rules, yet a little visual effect can change their mind. You give them a book saying ‘how to plant a tree’ they will read and forget. You give them a plant and a garden, they will show you how to give you greenness – in your life and in the world.

There are few things you can do to change the world, with the help of our future generation. Start from your own home. Let them understand, how it feels to make a CHANGE!

Praising and Positive Reinforcement: Kids DO NOT need any incentive. Give them a genuine praise, look in their eyes with a smile and ask them to join you in the mission. That’s it!

Set a Goal with them to reach the ‘Green Point’: Make some time to sit with them for a planning and see how they enjoy doing it with you. Start from recycling at home and take it to the outside world. INVOLVE KIDS.

Planting with Kids: Teach them by showing the steps why planting is important for the environment. Start with composting with these 5 easy steps:

  1. Less waste: Ask them to put the peels of veggies in a hole in your garden and let them know how you are not cleaning the environment and reusing the stuff
  2. Saves Money: Let them understand that the more you compost, the less you throw in trash, and thus it will save money from buying additives for your garden.
  3. Improves Growth of Plants: Child who does not want to eat healthy, will understand the need to eat right after watching how the plants grow by using those compost made by them!
  4. Easy to Organize: They will learn to be more organized by putting the compost in one place and not throwing anywhere else.
  5. Organic Habit: The fruits and veggies grown out of the homemade compost are fresh looking, delicious and healthy. Kids will be the happiest one to see and eat those, as they have been the part of the process.

Recycle the Plastic Containers: Take a break from your chores and office work to sit with your kids in recycling process, giving them ideas how to use the plastics and make worthy crafts in no time.

Plant the Park: Take some time to watch if an area is out of plants, engage your kids and their friends in a mission to plant trees on everyone’s own birthday or gift something organic as a gift and see how the kids will be thrilled with the result.

Changing the world starts with your inner soul. Make your mind to teach kids about the positive things you get from going green not by academic lectures but with skillful activities suitable for kids, with a SMILE!



Welcome! Fellow Green Living Enthusiast

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